Yevgen Pysmennyy
Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Atomic and Thermal Energy, Scientific advisor of the Department of nuclear power engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Doctor of Science, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine.
Born in Kyiv in the family of military serviceman. In 1972 graduated from the Heat Power Engineering Faculty of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI). In 1972-1973 worked as an engineer in the problematic laboratory of gas dynamics and heat transfer of KPI, teaching since 1973. In 1985 defended PhD thesis. In 1994 defended doctorate thesis in the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, getting degree of Doctor of Science. Since 1995 up to present – head and currenlty scientific advisor of the department of nuclear power plants and Engineering Thermal Physics NTUU “KPI”. In 1997 was honored for the title of professor. From 2001 up to present – Dean of the Heat Power Engineering Faculty of NTUU “KPI”.
Professor E.M. Pis’mennyi is well-known scientist in the field of thermal physics, energy, power engineering, author of series of research works aimed at improving the efficiency and reliability of heat exchange equipment, development of new heat transfer surfaces and calculation methods.
Professor E.M. Pis’mennyi is is one of the leaders in teaching and organization of the educational process at Heat Power Engineering Faculty of NTUU “KPI”. Around 300 teachers, scientists, engineers, technicians and more than 2000 students are being studied and involved in the scientific and educational process of the Faculty. Under his supervision qualified professionals are being prepared for the energy sector of Ukraine and other countries. Giving lectures on “Heat and Mass Transfer”, “Turbulence and methods of measurement”, “Fundamentals of the theory of the boundary layer.”
E.M. Pis’mennyi was awarded with the honorary title “Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine.” He became a laureate of the National Government of Ukraine for the best innovation development of the year. Awarded with a medal “Excellence in Education of Ukraine”, “Honored Power Engineer of Ukraine”, “Honored Worker of nuclear energy in Ukraine”, “For contribution to the development of nuclear energy Ukraine” etc.
E.M. Pis’mennyi is author and co-author of over 300 scientific papers, including 6 monographs and 6 textbooks and manuals, issued in Ukraine and abroad. He supevied research and final defence of d 8 PhD students and 2 Doctos of Sciences.
Professor E.M. Pis’mennyi is a member of the expert council of High Attestation Board of Ukraine in section of “Electrical Engineering and Energy”, 2 academic boards for awarding degrees and candidate PhD, a member of the editorial boards of 6 specialization journals, member of the scientific-methodical commission of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine in “Power Engineering”, member of Administration of Ukrainian Nuclear Society, a member of the Expert Council in Energetics of the State Committee for awarding State Prize of Ukraine and expert council on energy and electronics at the State Accreditation Commission.
Last Publications
- E.N. Pis’mennyi A Universal Relation for Calculating Convective Heat Transfer in Transversely Streamlined Bundles of Smooth Tubes / Thermal Engineering, March2010, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 219–226.
- E.N. Pis’mennyi An asymptotic approach to generalizing the experimental data on convective heat transfer of tube bundles in crossflow / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 54, 2011, Pages 4235-4246.
- E.N. Pis’mennyi Efficient heat-transfer surfaces assembled from partially finned flat-oval tubes / Thermal Engineering, April 2011, Volume 58, Issue 4, pp 277-282.
- E.N. Pis’mennyi Ways for Improving the Tubular Heaters Used in Gas Turbine Units / Thermal Engineering, June 2012, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 485–490.
- E.N. Pis’mennyi Regularities of flow and heat transfer at the surface of transversely finned tubes / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 55, Issues 19–20, September 2012, Pages 5016–5031.
- Письменный Е. Н., Багрий П. И, Терех А. М., Семеняко А. В. Оптимизация оребрения новой теплообменной поверхности на основе плоскоовальных труб / Инженерно-физический журнал, т.86, №5, сентябрь-октябрь, 2013. с. 1002–1007.
- Е.N. Pis’mennyi, P. I. Bagrii, A. M. Terekh, A. V. Semenyako Optimization of the ribbing of a new heat exchange surface of flat-oval tubes / Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, October 2013. Volume 86, Issue 5. pp 1066–1071.
- E.N. Pis’mennyi Heat transfer enhancement at tubular transversely finned heating surfaces / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 70, March 2014, Pages 1050–1063.
- E.N. Pis’mennyi, A.M. Terekh, G.P. Polupan, I. Carvajal-Mariscal, F. Sanchez-Silva Universal relations for calculation of the drag of transversely finned tube bundles / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 73, June 2014, Pages 293–302.
- Письменный Е. Н., Терех А. М., Руденко А. И. Конвективный теплообмен шахматных пакетов труб с параллельной подгибкой поперечных рёбер / Промышленная теплотехника. – 2010. – т.32, №2. – с. 31–41
- Письменный Е. Н., Терех А.М., Семеняко А.В., Баранюк А.В. Теплоаэродинамическая эффективность трубчатых поверхностей нагрева регенераторов ГТУ / Промышленная теплотехника. –2010. – т.32, №4. – с. 63–73
- Письменный Е. Н., Терех А.М., Баранюк А.В., Бурлей В.Д. Теплообмен и аэродинамическое сопротивление малорядных пучков плоско-овальных труб с неполным оребрением / Промышленная теплотехника. –2010. – т.32, №5. – с. 34–41
- Письменний Є. М., Епік Е.Я., Баранюк О.В. Структура потоку і теплообмін у каналах тепловідводів при розрізанні ребер і їх поворотах / Наукові вісті Національного технічного університету України „Київський політехнічний інститут”. – 2010. – №6
- E. Pismennyi, G. Polupan, I. Carvajal Mariscal, F. Sanchez Silva Estudio comparativo de los matodos del calculo de la transferencia de calor en bancos de tubos / Cientafica (Mexico), ISSN 1665-0654, Vol. 14, nam. 1, enero-marzo 2010, pp. 17-23
- Письменный Е. Н. Эффективные теплообменные поверхности из плоскоовальных труб с неполным оребрением / Теплоенергетика – 2011.- № 4.- с.7-12
- Письменный Е. Н., Баранюк А.В., Вознюк М.М. Равноразвитые поверхности теплообмена и методика численных исследований их теплогидравлических характеристик / Промышленная теплотехника – Т. 34, №1, 2012 – с. 45 – 54
- Письменный Е. Н. Пути совершенствования трубчатых воздухонагревателей ГТУ / Теплоенергетика. – №6 – 2012 – с.67-72
- Письменный Е. Н., Терех А.М., Руденко А.И., Фридрихсон Ю.В. Обобщение экспериментальных данных по теплообмену и аэродинамическому сопротивлению шахматных пакетов труб с винтовыми подогнутыми ребрами / Промышленная теп-лотехника Т.35, №3, 2013. с. 5-11
Письменный Е.Н.
Расчет конвективных поперечно-оребренных поверхностей нагрева. Сборник расчетов
К.: Альтерпресс, 2003. – 184 с. ISBN 966-542-223-5
Письменный Е.Н.
Теплообмен и аэродинамика пакетов поперечно-оребренных труб
К.: Альтерпресс, 2004. – 244 с. ISBN 966-542-144-1
Yevgen Pysmennyy, Georgiy Polupan, Ignacio Carvajal Mariscal, Florencio Sánchez Silva
Manual Para en Cálculo de Intercambiadores de Calor y Bancos de Tubos Aletados
Mexico: Reverté Ediciones, S.A de S.V., 2007 – 197 p. ISBN 968-6708-63-4