Scientific activity of Dept.






Scientific activity of department aims to provide decision two major interrelated problems of national importance, namely:

1. Implementation of current research, experimental design and research and technological work for the needs of energy, industry and social services to improve эnerhoefektyvnosti material production, improve efficiency, safety and security of the energy and heat enerhovykorystuyuchoho equipment and technologies, increasing the competitiveness of products, works and services in power, thermal power and heating engineer.

2. Improving the quality of engineering and scientific personnel through organic combination of cutting-edge basic and applied scientific research and development with the educational process.

Currently, the Department of Scientific problems caused profiling its three specialties (“Nuclear power plants and installations”, “Kotlo- and reactor”, “Thermophysics”) and performed scientific-pedagogical and scientific-engineering of the department, as well as students in the following areas :

1. Increasing эnerhoefektyvnosti, safety and security equipment for thermal and nuclear power plants.

2. The development, research and widespread introduction of highly efficient heat transfer and thermostatic systems and equipment, evaporative condensing type.

3. Increase the efficiency of thermal power teploaerodynamichnoyi and heating equipment and development of regulatory methods for calculating their elements.

Scientific achievements of the department staff in the first direction of research activities in the field of study of the influence of boilers operating conditions on the performance of their elements allowed the department to become one of the leading organizations CIS, involved in the diagnosis of steam boilers. Research findings were realized when creating complex systems diagnostics units 300 and 800 MW (Zuyevska and Zaporizhzhya TPP) and 200 MW (CHP “VARNA”, Bulgaria). The accumulated experience has allowed to create one of the first national monitoring and process control boilers and diagnose the state of its surface heating based on advanced information technologies with modern test and computational tools and devices. Implementation of these systems carried out under the supervision of a senior researcher at the Department A.A.Myhlevskoho Krivoy Rog TPP Kremenchug refinery and CHP Samara (Russia) and greatly improving the efficiency and reliability of boilers due to better engineering process. In order to improve the reliability and safety of nuclear power plants in the department developed methods for automatic recognition of the initial phases of emergency mode. Commissioned by NIKIET (m. Moscow) was designed like a specialized processor for automatic recognition modes teplohidrovlichnyh core channel RBMK reactor. Specified processor broke pilot operation, was the world’s first specialized computing system designed for vnutrireaktornoho control methodology based on artificial intelligence. Commissioned Research Institute of Nuclear Power Plant (m. Moscow) developed a system of automatic recognition of operational disturbances in the elements of the main circulating pumps power units with VVER-1000. This system was pilot production reactors at Rovno and Zaporozhye NPP was transferred to the customer and the world’s first diagnostic system MCP-based artificial intelligence. Completed series of studies on teplohidrovlichnyh verification codes based recognition methods teplohidrovlichnyh processes in fuel assemblies.

The second direction of scientific activity of heat pipes (starting from 1973 – 1974) is rapidly developing and receive recognition and popularity at home and abroad. Successfully carried out a set of original research and development, covering all major aspects of the problem: a wide temperature range (from cryogenic to high-level), heat and mass transfer in fluid dynamics dvohfaznyh closed systems and capillary-porous structures, regulation thermal resistance (hazorehuliruyemi and diode heat pipe) , how to move the coolant (gravitational, wicks, pumps, heat pipes elektrohidrodynamichni), a wide range of engineering and design decisions. Examples of successful implementation of MVKS heat pipes for space science instrument is cooling and temperature control:

– Logic blocks (BL) electronic computing device neutron telescope laboratory space (the “ROCK” x-ray sky, 1977, SDO MAP RAS, M. Frunze);

– Power semiconductor units compartment geophysical research satellite (the “fragment” for environmental mapping the Earth, 1979, SDO MAP RAS, M. Frunze);

– Independent electronic units (the “THERMOSTAT”, 1985; Project “isotherms”, 1986-1987, SDO MAP RAS, M. Frunze);

– Radiation detectors and television cameras TDN TSS (International Project “Venus-Halley” study of Halley’s comet, 1982-1986, MAP RAS);

– Radiation detectors videospektrometrychnoho complex (VSK) (International Project “Phobos” on Space in the vicinity of Mars, 1984-1987, MAP RAS);

– Matrix star sensor – cryogenic cooling system (International Project “optical star sensor – ODR”, 1988, MAP RAS and organization “Karl Zeiss Jena,” Germany, m.Yena);

– Minor equipment bay of the Space Lab (the “Regatta-ASTRA”, 1989, the project “Regatta-SPAS”, 1990-1993, MAP RAS);

– Equipment for temperature control during the conclusion of the orbit flight off small satellites Magion- 4 (1992-1995) and Megion-5 (1994-1996) (International Project “Interball forecast-2M” for fundamental studies of the structure near-Earth Institute Atmospheric Physics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and MAP RAS).

In October 2001, was launched German technological satellite BIRD. The department has been actively involved in developing the concept of thermal control of the satellite. Were designed and manufactured and tested according to European quality standards and designed in Germany heat pipes for thermal stabilization of the satellite system. The system worked successfully in orbit.

Today continues active research work to create new generations of spacecraft Ukraine-resistant honeycomb panels of coal plastic coated and insulated sotopanelnyh platforms with aluminum heat pipes. Made-scale samples sotopanelnyh elements for solar cells and platforms for on-board equipment space projects “Warning”, “Lybid”, “Sich” passed laboratory tests that confirmed their high thermal and mechanical properties. It remains relevant research and development of passive heat transport evaporative-condensation system in relation to nuclear energy technologies. The results of these studies formed the basis for the creation of autonomous passive systems rozholodzhennya active zones, removal of heat in the spent fuel storage, thermal management systems providing reasons Susa, screen thermal protection of power equipment and walling systems support the allowable thermal state structures and equipment in the turbine hall fire conditions . Priority areas of practical application under the scientific direction of the second is the creation and implementation of effective waste heat to meet the challenges of active energy saving. Analysis of development and testing, implementation and operation experience in an industrial environment designed for heat recovery heat pipes as air heaters boilers, dryers and other fuels – and enerhovykorystovuyuchoho equipment showed that their use enhances 5 – 10% energy efficiency equipment, reduce pollution and thermal pollution with a slight increase in mass and size specifications. The great economic importance should also work to ensure optimal thermal management of various industrial processes and equipment to create energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment of a new type of original equipment medical equipment.

In the third area of nuclear science department and the ITF at the department studies the processes of heat transfer elements in compact heat exchangers, tube bundles with screw, shaybovym and finned segment in the initial sections of pipe and channel looped-wire whip radiators and electronic devices . Based on the identified patterns proposed a new way of intensification of heat transfer in bundles of finned tubes by konfuzornoyi pidhybky ribs, new types intensified heat transfer surfaces – flat-oval tubes with incomplete finned tubes thumb petal finned radiators with sitchato-finned wire. Application of these developments can increase compactness and lower metal heat exchangers at least 20 … 30% without increasing operating costs. Created new methods of calculating the intensity of heat transfer and air resistance values finned surfaces have been included in the “normative method of calculating boilers” last edition, governing technical material Minenerhomashu USSR ‘108.030.140. TM-87 – Calculation and advice on designing cross-finned convection heating surfaces stationary boilers, 988., Industry Standard OST 11336.003-74 “semiconductor devices. Methods of Heat. “

All these areas of research facilities of the department in good agreement with the priority research line art processes and RESURSOZBERRIHAYUCHI energy technologies.

The department NPP and ITP were two schools:

1. heat transfer and gas dynamics, which were founded in the 60 years of the Academy of Sciences of USSR Tolubinskyy VI and Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the USSR, Professor AP Ornatskyy And followers – Professor JG Dashkiyev Professor EM literate Currently head of the school is Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Professor EM literate

This scientific school conducts research in the areas of improving the reliability and security equipment thermal and nuclear power plants, development methods, software engineering and automated systems for technical diagnostics of equipment, increasing efficiency teploaerodynamichnoyi elements of power equipment, industrial heat exchange equipment.

2. heat pipes, founded by Professor MG Seeds and followers are leading researcher Baturkin VM, senior researcher Gershuni O., senior researcher V. Kravets, Senior Fellow Rassamakin BM Time base – early 70’s. Currently head of the school is a leading researcher of the Department Baturkin VM

The study of the scientific school aimed at creating cooling systems and thermal stabilization of space equipment, electronic equipment, the development and introduction of new types of economy resource-saving heat transfer equipment for multipurpose use.

In general, at present, the research schools represent 5 Doctors of Sciences and 28 Candidates of Science.

The results of the state budget works associated with basic research could establish a scientific and technological basis for promising new developments that have been successfully used in the performance of economic contracts, foreign economic activity. For example, the Department of NPP and ITF has eight years maintained relations with the German Steel Research Institute aero-space exploration, / DLR, m. Berlin / from the Research Institute of the Midwest, National Department Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA (director – Lead researcher Baturkin VM), with the leading institutes of Russia (Director – senior Fellow Rassamakin BM). Continuing scientific cooperation with TSSKB “Progress” (m. Samara, Russia), with NGOs Applied Mechanics (m. Krasnoyarsk, Russia), with NPO. SA Lavochkin (m. Moscow, Russia), Novosibirsk Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry, RAS (c. Novosibirsk, Russia). Won the international competition for the INTAS project “Improved kanavchata heat pipe thermal control system for space satellite” with 4 foreign partners / ITMO (Belarus), Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique et d’Aerotechnique (France), EUROHEATPIPE (Belgium), CNES (France) /. Period: January 2007 – December 2008

Sturdy base and high potential cathedral of science exams were in crisis for Ukraine 90 years, when the scientific direction of the department not only survived, but also a number of positions intensified. Completed development and creativity of the team were in demand and competitive and in an economy in transition, and the formation of market relations.

Without exaggeration, technological and innovative achievements of the department is very significant not only for university research, but is a defined contribution to the development of science and technology at the national and international levels.

Over the past 20 years, the results of research activities in the areas of their specialties (“Boilers and Reactors”, “Thermophysics” and “Nuclear Energy”) Department demonstrated their achievements in 35 international exhibitions, 19 times in the Republican Center of exhibitions Ukraine (formerly Exhibition Excellence experience in the national economy of USSR, m. Kyiv), the 13-branch and 4-educational exhibitions. In the same period, members of the department participated and reported results of their scientific work by 52 international, 58 national and 42 sectoral conferences in the developed countries of Western Europe, Russia, the USA, Japan, the CIS and Ukraine.

Department successfully solves its mandated task of qualified engineering personnel training, conducting relevant research and development of new high scientific, training of highly qualified – candidates and doctors of technical sciences.

The department is trained in 4 academic groups in each course a total of over 400 students. Courses at the Department has developed scientific and industrial base, based on the collaboration of the department with research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) design organizations energy profile, nuclear and thermal power plants, power engineering companies, installation and repair of thermal power equipment.

To ensure constant communication with the basic institutions of NASU and enterprises outside the “KPI”, and conducting their research and production base The Department has branches:

– Institute for Nuclear Research (INR) and the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (Institute of Engineering Thermophysics) in NAS. Kyiv;

– The Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) Ukraine, m. Kyiv;

– At nuclear power plants: Rivne NPP Khmelnitsky NPP Zaporizhzhya NPP;

– To teploenerhomashynobudivnomu plant OJSC “Tekom” m.Monastyrysche Cherkasy region.

In addition to the basic institutions and enterprises in the learning process using scientific and technical basis of other research academic and industrial institutions, research and production units of the National Nuclear Energy Generating Company “Energoatom” thermal power “Kyivenergo” and other organizations whose activities coincide with areas training at the department.

It should be noted that, in scientific works department constantly participating students. Many of them have excellent scientific and industrial school became co-authors of scientific articles, reports and inventions winners of competitions of student research papers, and then – leading scientists, academics, business leaders, and defended their doctoral dissertations. Tilky in the 2007-2008 academic year in the performance of work took 15 students with payment and 48 students under the UDRS. According to the results of the research published articles 5 students, 39 students made the report at the V International Scientific Conference aspyrantiv, undergraduates and students “Modern problems of scientific support energy” thermal power department.

The department is proud of its graduates have achieved in research, design, organization and leadership of high recognition of scientific and technical community, labor groups, in high school.

Among the graduates of the department: